Sunday, 13 December 2009

Feeling spruced

Last night I saw the aurora in the sky. Joolsie took me out specially to see it. Today i have been out for a walk in the rain and seen a full rainbow arcing across the sky.
And this afternoon I have been thoroughly groom with a slicker brush, then a comb, then a flea comb, then a brush. I am very soft and pretty. Joolsie also smoothed some smelly stuff on me to make me smell nice.
But I didn't get any roast pork, so I've had a sulk too.
Now I'm sleeping in my been bag while they play on the poota
They say in a week we can be together all the time again - yippee say I. But it never lasts and Joolsie always ends up going away for the day in the week.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

OW - Slysd mai pad on mai paw

Diz be a piktyor of mai paw from wen I did cut the tip ov mai pad off. It bleeded all ova dere white carpetz but coz I woz in shok dey djust cleenz it up an lukt afta me. I wuz stil shaykin wen Joolsie caym ome frum wurk so she cudded me all nyt, evun on dere bed.

Saturday, 21 November 2009

Sleeping arrangements

We all know dat sleepin arrangements be important. I dus make shure dat our's meet evree wun's needs. I as phree beds, wun be a wikka fing wot stays in da livin rume; annuva be a beenbag in the hyoomuns bedrume and da fird be their bed :) I helps keeps dem comfy an sayfe at nite. Day be very graytful.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Byn off lyn laytlee

Ello evree wun,
Sorry I ave not byn very commoonicative laytlee. I ave to kyoo for the compyoota and them hyoomans ave byn hoggin it laytlee.
They say they ave byn cleening the hard dryvup, not shure I beleev them tho!
And now, I am beein chucked off agayn, what can I do?
More layta (hopefullee)
Lady Boo Fweep x

Friday, 16 October 2009

Welcome to my new blog

Welcome woofs to you all.
I's gonna dicktayte my memwahs so yoo can all enjoy the things I get up to.
Visit from tyme to tyme so yoo can see what happuns in my lyf